Fragrance is not a neutral as would be preferred. But overall an easy product to work with.
Our Roller Ball Base when mixed with any of our fragrances will achieve a wonderful aroma. It is best to avoid spraying over surfaces and fabrics that may be affected by moisture or essential or fragrance oil droplets.
Coconut-oil base
Vegan Friendly
Max Fragrance: Refer to your selected fragrance oil's IFRA Statement (Category 4) for loading recommendation.
Made in Australia
Please note: We recommend testing to achieve optimal scent throw results. Take care when handling and avoid spilling on surfaces as it may permanently stain or damage if prolonged contact is made.
Please note, all information on this website is a guide only. We recommend that you conduct your own testing prior to committing to large orders. Scent Method Pty Ltd is not responsible for the quality and safety of your final products, only the quality and safety of the raw materials we provide.
Fragrance is not a neutral as would be preferred. But overall an easy product to work with.
It’s so simple to use and throws great scents!
Base mixes perfect with scent.
Quality product.
Very easy to use to mix the fragrances with.